August 17, 2020

Quick Reference – Sales

ClickPOS sales team training

ClickPOS app is a new generation point of sale application designed to operate a retail or service businesses on an Apple iPad.   
The following guide shows how to use ClickPOS app, focusing primarly on the daily process of starting the day, making sales, end of day register closure.  The example screen shots will refer to food business however the funcitons are availble for any service business.

There are many benefits of using ClickPOS, It is packed full of funcitons like, taking orders by simply tapping items from the menu, produce order dockets for kitchen , print customer receipts, integrate to eftpos terminal, track the type of orders, customer details and many other funcitons.


Sign in

The sign in for the ClickPOS app will be provided to the administrator. Tap the ClickPOs icon then enter the details. 

Open and Close register

The register keeps a record of the current days/shifts transactions and summarises details of cash takings and other forms of payments. The information is then used to reconcile end of day balances, mainly against cash and eftpos takings.

You will begin the day by Opening the Register. 
1. tap on “Register Closed”
2. Open register
3. Enter the cash float. (count all the cash you are opening with and enter here.
4 & 5 Done 

6. Tap left menu icon
7. tap Sale to begin selling.

A. At the end of day tap “close register to close the day” more info below.
B. View and print past days closures.
C & D. Add or Remove Cash, enter the amount you are adding or removing from the till. A printout should be signed and kept in the till for end of day reconciliation. The amount does not keep track in system so pls keep the printed docket as proof.

Processing a sale

ClickPOS is designed to cater for many variations of selling. A pre- packaged product such as a can of coke has no options so just tap item to sell.

A simple sale - can of coke

To sell, simply
1. tap the product, Coke, and
2. finalise the sale with a payment

A sale with Size variant.

In some industries like the food industry, the customer is offered a choice of selection. 

Now we are offering price variant options, in this case, the customer is offered a choice of coffee size. The larger size cost more.
On the Late button, there is no price, as the price is on the size variant (button shows 3 variants) this means there are 3 different prices for this item
So after selecting the coffee type, the option of size pops up. A selection of only one option will move to next possible popup. 

To sell,
1. tap the product, and
2. select the price variant, in this case Medium size

Optional Add-Ons.

The options for customer continues with the Addon options 
If no options are required, then simply tap the DONE button on top right.

Customer chooses,
3. Almond Milk, and
4. Sugar option 
5. tap Done to complete the selection

A. to add more of the same, tap the green + plus button
B. To unselect the selected item, tap the red – minus.

Included items - NO Onion

Other options you may see on the Add-Ons page is the ‘Included items’, usually referes to ingredients that user has the option to remove. 
The primary use is to select the “No” option for the item. Unselecting an item will not reduce price. Nor would selecting + add price.

In the example below, a burger order and customer wants No onion, extra beetroot and Chilli sauce.

A. Under the header “Included Items” simply tap the – minus on top if the unwanted ingredient .
now select the beetroot and chilli from the extras and sauces header

Select payment to print order docket.

Now you are ready to print the order docket. 
simply tap a payment option, and system will print the order docket.

Sale – Edit product

After selecting an item, tap on the product to make changes to price, discount, quantity or add notes.

A. Tap the product to make changes.

B. Quantity: Quantity defaults to one. If customer requires more than one of the same item, change the quantity being sold.

C. Sale Price: The sale value customer will pay. Includes taxes. Tap to change the price to higher or lower which will calculate the discount

D. Discount: Tap to offer discount on this product only. Enter a % of discount. Or change the Sale Price and discount will be calculated automatically. The Discount doesn’t apply to Addons.

E. Notes: The notes will appear on receipt and order docket print. Enter a note for customers special requirements. If request is frequent then it should be added under Add ons.

F: Edit variants or add-ons. The Edit button will only appear for items that has Variants or Add-Ons.

G. Delete this item from sale. Yopu may also swipe left to delete.

Payment Tender

Close the sale by accepting a payment from the customer. Once payment is accepted, the invoice cannot be modified, you can only Refund the sale in History. To keep the invoice open, use the Park Sale for future changes to the invoice. Payment buttons will produce a receipt

Cash payment and change calculator

Take cash payment by simply tapping payment type. 
The Change calculator pop-up  is optional. Activate the popup in the Settings > Payment section. 
If calculator is switched off, then system will open cashdrawer, print dockets and ready for new sale

If calculator is turned on, then it will pop up as per image below

1. Tap Cash. At this stage, system will try and open cashdrawer. 

2. if customer pays exact amount, tap on value up top button. If customer pays more than charge amount, tap on note denomination to calculate change to give back. Below example customer paid $20, calculated change in red colour.If customer presents, several notes,  just keep tapping the denominations to increase the payment value. For example, customer pays $25. Tap 20 then 5.

3. Tap PAY to finalise

The left arrow <- button will clear current selection. Tap twice to clear all selections

Eftpos payment

The eftpos button is a user defined name. 
The process for non-integrated is, enter the amount to charge to customer manually into the eftpos terminal. if a successful card scan, then tap the eftpos button on screen to finalise the sale. 

 If eftpos is integrated, tap the Eftpos button, the total amount will display on the eftpos terminal, ready for customer to scan card. 
Simply follow the instructions displayed on ClickPOS screen.  Refer to eftpos user guide provided by the eftpos terminal to find out more information. 

PARK SALE button

Park Sale is used to put sale on hold and take payment at a later time. 

For example, a dine in table orders in a restaurant where the customer will order now, and pay later. On each order Open the sale, add the new items being ordered, then tap PARK SALE. Once customer is ready to pay, open the sale, but this time use the payment button to finalise sale.

To open a parked sale, simply tap
Left menu > History > tap the invoice > then tap OPEN button on following page.

Scan QR code on order docket
Tap on Barcode icon top of sale screen, It will pop-up with iPads camera, scan the QR code on order docket.
System will show content of that order, simply tap the payment type to finalise and close the order.

PAY button

Tap the PAY button for further payment options. A new screen will display

A, B and C are options for split payment.
A. Customer wants to pay for specific items. select each item to calculate total for selected items. Note: this option will only work if all items are being paid.

B. Split by number of persons. So if number of people wants to make identical payment. 
Simply enter number of people and accept payment for each.

C. Enter an amount. if customer wants to part pay cash and eftpos. Enter first amount select payment, then enter next amount and so on.
System will calculate remainder of balance owed.

D. On account button. This option will only appear if you have selected a customer and customer has been set as an account customer. This means they either have prepaid money that you will use to pay for current purchase, Or they have a credit account where they will pay at end of month. 
Current balance is also displayed. If you select an Account Customer with PrePaid amount, the screen will display a new green button PP with remaining of their balance to use for payment for this invoice. If you select a customer who pays at the end of month (with a credit account) Then will display a Red On Account button with current Outstanding, and can add this invoice to the existing account.

E. Eftpos button. Simply follow instructions on screen for integrated eftpos. 
The amount displayed on button is card surcharge. System will add the surcharge to payment.

History Search

The history allows you to view previous invoices. the options change depending on the Status of the invoice.
Simply tap on an invoice to view further options.

Depending on the sale STATUS, the options may change. Below is an example of a PARKED sale

A. Search option, you may change the search criteria to view only Parked sales, or if you are looking after Online sales, you can list only foodpod online orders. Other options to search by invoice number or scan using QR Code on theorder docket.

B. Delete the entire invoice

C. Station print. This option will re-print the order dockets, either All items or unprinted ones.

D. Print receipt. If customer asks for a reciept, oyu may print from here. ( print invoice is also avail on top right icon in sale screen under Print Last Receipt). 
The receipt has many options, to print or Share option,  including ability to SMS (from iPhone) 

E. OPEN invoice. This will be available only if the status is not closed.

Sale Status

OPEN : Each new sale starts its status as Open, and will remain as open until a Payment type is selected.
If you decide to leave an open invoice and start another invoice, then tap the top right menu option and select New Sale, this will keep the status as open. Use History to edit the sale at a later time. The invoices without Payment are displayed as Open.

CLOSED : The invoice is finalised and cannot be Opened or Deleted.  A REFUND button will appear on selection of an invoice that is Closed. Use the Refund option to reverse the transaction. Or print details of invoice. The printout will display payment type. More details on Refund below.

OUTSTANDING : Amounts highlighted in red are unpaid invoices. It is a sale to a customer that is marked as On Account and will make payment at the end of month. Once customer pays either update by tapping the Outstanding button or the accounts person will use the Reports > Outstanding section to accept multiple invoice payment.

PARKED : The parked status means the customer may add more items to the invoice. The invoice can be Opened to add or remove products. Example of usage, table orders in a restaurant where the customer orders throughout the night, on each order use the History to Open the invoice, add more orders then Park the sale until the customer is ready to make a payment. On acceptance of payment the Parked status will change to Closed.

REFUNDED : The refund given to customer. The refund may be from a sale from a past date. To view which invoice, tap the Original Invoice button.

If online orders is activated, status from foodpod will be

PENDING : A new online order and is awaiting Acceptance or Rejection. If you offer Pay at counter option then the amount will be in RED

PREPARING : Order is accepted

REJECTED : Order is rejected, as you may have run out of particular ingredient, or closing store etc.

Refund option

The Refund allows you to reverse a sale giving customer back a full or a partial refund. 
Once a sale is Closed, you cannot delete or modify it.  The only option is to Search for the invoice in History and use the REFUND option

1- Partial refund

To refund selected items, tap on each item to refund. The selected items will display a tick, then tap the Refund button.
Screen will advance to Payment button to choose a payment type then produce a receipt for customer.

2- Full invoice refund

Tap the Refund button to go to payments page to process the refund. If you do not tick items, then the whole invoice is presumed to be refunded.
On Payment page, you may Cancel and Delete the refund transaction to come back to above page to re-select items.

End of day Close Register

At the end of the day or shift, Close the register and compare the actual earnings against the ClickPOS app. Any discrepancies are to be attended and fixed before Closing Register.
The close of register will produce printout of the days takings and should be kept for future reference. Each shift should be enclosed in an envelope and passed onto the accounts person for banking and processing.

To close for end of day

Tap left menu > Register Openned > Close register

Close Register

At the end of the day Close the register. By Closing, the count resets to zero balance for the following days trading. The purpose of Closing the day is to reconcile the actual money against the ClickPOS system. Identify and action the discrepancies of open invoices that has no payment against them

1- Cash Count

Tap on this to enter the cash amount you counted at the end of the day. The Expected Cash amount Includes the Opening Float amount. So count the entire cash in the cash drawer, and enter the amount into Counted column by tapping the amount field.

If there are differences, make a note explaining the issue.

2- Eftpos Settlement

For those that have integrated Eftpos, you may find a Settle button. Tap the Settle button to settle the shifts Eftpos takings. The system will fetch all Eftpos transactions directly from the banks system and prints the transaction result. For non integrated Eftpos, the pin-pad will include options to settle.
Compare the Total of the banks receipt to the ClickPOSs Eftpos column. If there are discrepancies, investigate using the dockets  Eftpos printed on each transaction.
Enter the Total amount of the Settle report into the Counted column.

3- Discrepancy

There should be no discrepancy unless invoices are left open purposely. If there are discrepancies, tap the discrepancy column to view all invoices with discrepancies. Go back to History and finalise the invoice by taking a payment or delete as required to balance the day.

4- Notes

Enter notes for any variances.

5- Close and Print

To finish the day, Close the register. System will display a printout for you to bundle with other receipts. Either print the Summary list or if you’d like to track each transaction use the All transactions.
Sign your name onto the printout.

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