March 26, 2020

Eftpos integration

Accept payments faster by connecting to Eftpos

Card payment tendering is easier than ever. ClickPOS App provides seamless integration to processing debit and Credit cards, via secure interface. Overnight deposit to any major bank account offering extremely competitive merchant banking rates.

You will be provided with an eftpos terminal by the provider you choose that will connect directly to ClickPOS App via wi-fi

 Sales made faster

After you finalise the sale, simply tap the EFTPOS payment button on ClickPOS, and the amount is automatically displayed on the eftpos terminal. ClickPOS screen displays the pinpads response so you can see the result of successful transaction or if the card is rejected. The docket receipt printer prints the eftpos transaction along with customer receipt.  

This process avoids user typing the amount in to the pinpad each time a sale is made. Avoids errors and speeds the process of sale. No more paper replacement on pin pad, all receipts printed from your receipt printer.

Because it is bluetooth, allows you to take the pinpad to the customer (For example in restaurant, take the pinpad to the table)

Choose a provider (Australia only)

MX51 eftpos integration

MX51 offers connection portal to selected banks and providers such as Westpac, CommBank, Till Payments and others. Please use the Register button below to get started.

How to pair Westpac VX-690 eftpos to clickpos

Integrate the Westpac terminal to streamline your sales process.

Westpac user guide to integrated eftpos

Full mx51 user guide of how to use the eftpos terminal.

Tyro pinpad

Connect tyro eftpos terminal within a matter of minutes. Tyro provides many features and competitive pricing. Tyro eftpos connects multiple Apple devices to one eftpos terminal. For example, if you have several Registers you may share the one Tyro eftpos

How to Pair Tyro eftpos

Document shows how to Pair eftpos to ClickPOS App.

How to Register for Tyro

Register your interest and one of their team members will contact you directly