Dry Cleaning, Alterations and Laundramat POS
Budget priced at $39Aus Per month, powerful and easy to use point of sale for Dry cleaning, laundromats and Alternations pos.
FREE Download from Appstore to your iPad or iPhone & trial it. You will love it and subscribe.
Main industry specific features include Add ar search repeat customers, select pickup date & time and print water resistant tags for each item.
Download ClickPOS app for FREE
Try ClickPOS for one month,
Download and create your own menu of services, products you sell. You will require an iPad or iPhone device.
Contact us to help guide you the right pos hardware and waterproof tag prints
Supported hardware
Download ClickPOS onto your iPad and setup your menu and start today.
Supports thermal printer as customer receipt and order docket
QAnd dot matrix printer to print tags for each garment.
Customised Sale Screen
Simply add your services and fees as products then tap and sell.
Select pickup date easily
Easily search customer by phone or name, then select day of week and preset collection times
Print reciept, Docket and Tags
As you finalise the order, print to multiple printers, a thermal receipt for customer, and order docket for your inhouse use.
Each docket with pickup details.
At the same time print tags to attach to each garment.
Customer online ordering app.
Enhance your service by offering online ordering. Your customers can place an order for pickup, make payment and details or new order instantly appears in clickpos app in the store.
Download ClickPOS Point Of Sale from App store. Or email us for any queries you may have.