What is foodpod
foodpod is an Online ordering and payment portal for your customers
Your customers can download the app or view using an internet browser, to purchase your goods and services and make a payment for a pickup or delivery. Your benefits of going Online, is to save you immense amount of time wasted on telephone or email orders The main purpose of the foodpod app is to streamline the ordering process.
Unlike other apps, foodpod is fully integrated to your ClickPOS point of sale. Your list of products are ready to be displayed as a menu. Customer registers, orders and makes payment. The order is instanatly displayed, and you simply press one button to ACCEPT the order and all details are captured to the point of sale, Including the itemised list of Order, the full Payment, and Customer details.
Your customers can download the foodpod app to android and apple devices or view menu using Microsoft internet explrer, google or safari.
Which portal is best for your customers
foodpod comes in two different online portals, an App version and a Web browser version. Choose one or both options to offer to your customers.
Ultimately, it is just a link that your customers can tap, and see business menu appear, order your goods and make payment. The order instantly displays on the ClickPOS app ready to accept the order.
Used for, Pickup, Delivery, and Resource number such as restaurant table number, room number, location number etc.
Below are two different portals you can promote to your customers,

1. The Mobile App (iOS/Android app)
Your customer downloads the app to either Apple iPhone/iPads Or Android devices.
The foodpod app is visible as an icon on customers phones and once signed in, it is always ready to tap and see your menu. This is not avaiable on Windows operating system.
Used for Pickup or Delivery (NOT available for table orders (Resource location number))
Advise your customers to download the Foodpod app from AppStore, or Google apps. Search ‘foodpod’, allow Location services, and Push messages ON. Customer needs to register on first order.
The link & QR code is available to copy from ClickPOS app, Settings > Online Orders. Tap on Share QR code to send to your customers.

2. The Web browser link
Customer accesses your stores menu from any internet browser, like Windows operating system Explorer, Google, Safari etc. The web link contains access directly to each of your stores menu.
The Link can be
– added to your website,
– social mendia links, and
– can be emailed to your customers, or
– displayed as a link on Google search result under the menu section.
Your store link and QR code is available to copy from ClickPOS app, Settings > Online Orders.
Copy and paste the link or QR code to your website, social media and google search result pages.
Activating Online Orders
Before you activate Online orders, you are required to fill the following “Foodpod merchant services agreement” form and email to accounts@clickpos.com
Once form is received and approved, we will activate the payment portal.
Nominate your bank details so that foodpod sale transactions will be deposited to your account, The agrement also lists, standard bank fees and service charges, and the option to charge the customer or wear the fees.
Foodpod merchant services agreement
Specify your bank account details. Email back to accounts@clickpos.com
Getting started - Product Catalogue
Turn ON “Available Online” to all products you want to be available online.
To get foodpod up and running, you need to go to Products page and for each product switch ON the Available Online
- Left Menu > Products > Select a product > switch ON “Available Online”
This switch allows items to be displayed and available for purchase on foodpod. It will also display master and subcategories.
When an item is Out of Stock
The same switch can be used if a particular product is Out of Stock, At any time, if this stock is unavailable, simply switch OFF. For example if you are operating a restaurant and you have run out of fish, you need to immediately turn the product OFF so customers do not order it online.
A photo Image should be added for each item.
Product Description will also display when user selects the item. Describe its content including any allergy ingredients.
Items with Zero Priced value will not display on foodpod

Now lets activate your presence on foodpod. To activate the Online Orders, go to
- Left Menu > Settings > Online Orders
Simply tap the Activate button.
Then select the following options

Online Orders settings
The Online orders screen gives you all hte tools you need to setup and promote your online sales.
To test your online store, on your clickpos app, go to Settings > Online Orders and using your phone, scan the QR code as seen below.
Or on your PC or tablet, copy the links and paste into browser to view the your onlune menu.

1. QR Codes and Links to add your existing website or social media or Googles Orders section. The Link and QR codes are ready to copy or email or print
QR Code WEB BROWSER : use this link to
– add to your website,
– social mendia links, and
– can be emailed to your customers, or
– displayed as a link on Google search result under the menu section.
The QR code you see above is the link to the store you are currently logged into, if you have multiple stores, then change to the store you want to print these QR codes. The link provides access directly to your stores menu.
You may also print the QR codes using your receipt printer.
2. Do you Offer Pickup And/OR Delivery. You may offer one or both options, The foodpod screen changes to offer two options to the customer when they order.
- Activate Pickup Orders. In foodpod, displays the Pickup Option when user is finalising the order. Offers user to select the Date and Time of pickup, which displays on the Order Docket.
- Activate Delivery Orders. In foodpod, displays Delivery Option, User is asked to confirm or enter delivery address details. and Charges the delivery fees as per settings.
- Table orders with QR code. A third option available is to print QR code for a what we call, Resource Number. These can be Table number in a restaurant or Room number in a hotel or a Hole number at a golf course, or any Location number that you need to track the location of the order. The number displays to identify the location. This option allows your customers to scan a QR code at the location which displays your menu with the location already selected automatically. The location number is specified in Delivery Type on Sale screen, then print the QR codes (or web link) from Delivery type nominated with resournce numbers
Simply print/email/share the QR code using your Docket printer, which will include the Resource number. The QR code and links will have the selected number, embedded into the link so it will appear on the QR code.By switching OFF both options, will deactivate from displaying your menu on foodpod.
Preperation time can be adjusted any time, so when you are busy, and prep time is longer, simply change the setting and it will update foodpod orders instantly advising customers the new preperation time.
3. Activate “On Account Payment”. This option displays a new Payment Button on foodpod “Pay on account”, which allows customer to finalise the order without making payment. The payment button is displayed to all customers regardless of account status. Used for companies that bill end of month to their approved account customers.
4. Your logo and compay background and services you offer. Add a logo that will display on top of your menu.
5. Opening Hours The opening hours controls foodpod and if the current local time falls within the hours then permits customer to order. If customer tries to order outside of hours then foodpod displays CLOSED. Select each day and allow time to cook.
– In Opening Hours, Change the Time for the day and select CLOSED. Foodpod will still display your company details however will display Store is CLOSED.
You may change the settings any time to impact the foodpod, example in emergency cases where you need to close shop.
If you change this setting to 0 (zero), this means the customer will not be charged the fees, however the fee will be charged to you directly.
If you offer a delivery service then you may limit customers in your zone by selecting Delveiry distance in Km. the foodpod app will only display your store to those in the radious.
Helpful hints
Switching OFF foodpod Online Ordering
To temporarily switch off Online ordering. tap on Online Order page (as displayed above)
– In Opening Hours, Change the Time for the day and select CLOSED. Foodpod will still display your company details however will display Store is CLOSED.
– To remove your company from displaying on foodpod, you may also tap the DEACTIVATE ONLINE ORDERS (red button at the bottom of page)
When store opens again, simply tap the ACTIVATE. All previous details will be available when you activate.
Unavailable Stock
If one of your products are temporarily unavailable. and you want to take it off the menu, Go to Left Menu > Products > tap on the product. then switch OFF the “Available Online” option. When product is available again, simply switch it ON.
foodpod is now live
Its time to see your products on foodpod.
Simply scan the QR code, or add the link to a web browser and see your menu.