Learn how to
– Link ClickPOS to your Xero accounting.
– Assign ClickPOS categories to Xero chart of accounts
– Daily integration and resovling issues and messages.
Creating the link from ClickPOS to Xero
to ClickPOS App
First stage of setup is to create a link between ClickPOS app and Xero Accounting.
- Sign in to Clickpos App
- Settings > Xero > tap the ‘Activate Xero’ button. This will send a msg to our team to activate the xero portal. The activation can take up to next business day and you will receive a notification via email.
- Once activated, the button will change to ‘Open Xero‘. Tap this button to start the integration setup.
4. If you operate only one store, then sign in will go straight to integration page,
If you operate multiple stores, the next page will offer option to select the store you wish to integrate to this Xero Account.
The selected branch will display the settings being created.
The example below shows the company has multiple branches and we would like to add the settings to Head Office store.
Create a Group name
The Activate Xero button takes you to a Web Browser screen for all Xero integration options. Including setup and daily integration. The preffered browser is Google Chrome.
Tap on Accounts > Then Xero Setup to begin
5. Connections > Create a Group.
On the first screen below, create a group name for the integration.
Simply add a name then tap Create Group, in Example below, connection is called ‘IOS Sales’
6. Then simply tap on “Add” to include the Store to the group.
The grouping of store allows one or more store to connect to one Xero account, Alternatively the option of connecting each store to its own xero account. Repeat the process of Creating a Group name, then Adding a store to the group for those that have multiple Xero accounts
7. On last image below, you need to actually Create the connection
Select “Create New Connection” then ‘Submit‘
Log in to Xero to create the link.
The submit button will open the Xero Sign in page.
Enter your Log in. (this is your Xero account Login details)
Then tap the “Allow Access” button. This will create the link between ClickPOS and Xero.
Then finally, Select your Company name that is in Xero that will connect to the selecte store(s)
Then tap “Apply“
Mapping menu Categories in ClickPOS to Xero COA's
Now its time to map the ClickPOS’s menu categories to Xero Chart of Accounts
There are many options for mapping to the COAs.
You can map all menu items to one COA, or if you prefer to break down your sales by menu items, then map each menu category to its own sales account in Xero. Please refer to a Xero expert or your accountant for more information.
To map accounts, tap on
– Accounts tab up top.
– Select the Accounting Group (in this eexample, ‘iOS Sales’
– Select Account Reference, in this example ‘BREAD’
The Bread is a menu category in clickpos (the left main categories).
– Then select coresponding COA’s for Sales, Assets, and COGS . This list is populated from Xero.
– Tap OK to save
Repeat the process for all Categories in Account reference.
Note that all menu categories must be linked, and can connect to same COAs.
Additional Mapping
Below are list of of other sales or costs that needs to be mapped to Xero.
- Clickpos Service – This represents a the user defined surcharge (by default is the Holiday surcharge, so you need to map it as income
- Foodpod Service – This category is available only for Foodpod users. This represents a Credit card surcharge and Foodpod transaction fee. This is Not an income to you but an actual cost that in most cases is charged directly to the customer for their online purchase.
Mapping Payment methods in ClickPOS to Xero's Bank COA
Once Sales mapping is completed, proceed to the Payment group mapping.
In ClickPOS, Settings > Payment page, you will typically have “Cash’ and ‘Eftpos’, or other On Account type payment buttons. Others may also be expecting payment from delivery portals like ‘Uber Eats’, ‘Doordash’ etc. You can Group the payments to its own category, Eg, if you have two types of payments, these can be grouped.
These buttons needs to also be mapped, so Xero can evaluate the Payment Type.
NOTE: In ClickPOS, you may create a Payment Group, and assing differnet pay types to the same group so when integrating to Xero, you can isolate or group each payment type.
Congratulations, the setup is Complete !
Daily integration from ClickPOS to Xero
Now we are ready to integrate from Clickpos to Xero.
The integration is a manual process. Please perform this section daily or minimum once a week.
it is recommend the integration to be performed the following day of each days trading so you can identify discrepencies and account customer transactions. You have the option to integrate multiple days in one hit, simply select the date range to integrate. If you are not sure when the last intgration was made, simply select a larger date range, as records that have already integrated will not be effected.
To Start the integration, tap on Accounts > then Xero integration
Sales Integration to Xero
The integration is in Two parts, The SALES and then PAYMENTS.,
We will start with the SALES integration. Go to
– Accounts > Xero Integration
– Select Date range to search. By default, the date will be yesterdays date.
– Tap Search button
Below will display the transactions that is ready to integrate.
Simply tap ‘Proceed‘ to upload the Sales info.
NOTE: the uploaded list will summarise each day and submit as a summary, with the exception of On Account customers sales, which will update Xero with the total of the invoice, with customer details. You can then create a statement at the end of month within Xero.
You may send transactions as a ‘Draft’ so you confirm in Xero after the integration is successful.
Now to integrate the ‘Payments’ to the Bank account in Xero.
But before we do payments, below is waht the sales will look like.
What Sales data looks like in Xero
Note: If you integrated the invoice as “Draft”, approve the invoice on the Xero side before integrating the Payment.
Status : Awaiting Payment. Until the payment is integrated, the status is Awaiting Payment.
Payment Integration to Xero
Now integrate the Payments.
These include Cash, Eftpos and On-Account payments.
Tap ‘Proceed‘ to upload.
What Payments data looks like in Xero
On-Account Customers
Some busineses offer their customers an option to PrePay and Post pay. In ClickPOS, you can perform both options and these are relected in Xero via the integration. Customer buys regurlarly and wants to make monthly payment for purchases.
– Create an account in ClickPOS, taking customer details such as name and their email address.
– Each time a sale is made, you will select the customer and
– After selecting items for sale, use the ‘On Account’ payment button to finalise the sale.
– At the end of month, print a statement out of ClickPOS or Xero to send to customer for payment.
Both pre and post pay process is the same, except for Pre payment, you will take customers payment prior to first sale using the Customer page.
Customers that Post Pay
Post Pay : Customer buys regurlarly and wants to make monthly payment for purchases at the end of each month. Create an account in ClickPOS, taking customer details such as name and their email address. You can also nominate a maximum credit limit, where clickpos will display in sale, theat custoemr has reached their limit.
Each time a sale is made, you will select the customer and use the ‘On Account’ payment to finalise the sale. At the end of month, print a statement out of ClickPOS or Xero to send to customer for payment)
Customers that Pre Pay
Pre Pay : Customer makes a pre-payment for future purchases. For example in a cafe, customer buys regurlarly and does not want to make payment on each purchase and rather use the pre paid credit.
Below is example of how to add a pre-payment amount, then process a pre payment from that pre-payment.
Go to ClickPOS app, open Sale and tap on Customer icon
- For new customers, tap the ‘+’ to create customer, add name, email and a phone number.
- For exisitng customers, To Add a pre payment amount, tap on (i) then tap on ‘Account Detail’
- Add credit to the customer account
If a new account, then tap the ‘Credit’, and enter amount.
Top-Up Credit : if there is already an amount and cusotmer wants to top-up their credit, then tap Top-Up Credit to add more money.
Now to Make the sale to customer using their credit.
- Create a Sales invoice for the customer, if not selected, select customer.
- Select items to sell
- finalise sale by tapping on PAY button.
Payment screen opens the payment page.
Use the “On Account” button to contniue the sale.
The On Account button will display the current balance of customer pre payment. in below example PP-$50.00
Tap PAY on popup to finalise
Once pay button is tapped, the Total PP reduces by the invoice amount.
How to integrate Pre Prepay to Xero
Pre payment is treated a little different in Xero, so you need to setup a pre-payment account before you can take payment.
Businesses need to record prepayments as liabilities on their balance sheets until the corresponding goods or services are delivered.
In Xero, create a liablity account
Before starting the integration, create a prepayment account under liabilities in the Xero Chart of Accounts.
In ClickPOS map the Prepay to laibility
Now go to
Clickpos > Accounts > Xero Setup > Accounts > Select Group > Select Account Reference “Credit Service” > Select Account” Customer Prepayments”.
Daily integration of Pre-Payment to Xero
Time to integrate. When you perfrom your integration, any pre-and post payments will appear seperately than the normal sales as these transactions are kept seperate.
When you have sales that has pre-payments, the integration shows as follows
– Each customer details will be saved to Xero. If customer already exists, the sale will be saved under the same customer.
– The sale will integrate as a total of each invoice.
– Sale will update the liability account and
– The payment
Note: The pre-payment will make a part of the integration,
To integrate, go to
Xero integration > Search date range to integrate > You will see customer top-up and customer payment as below > tick both invoices > click proceed.
How pre-payment looks in Xero after integration
Pre Pay : Customer makes a pre-payment for future purchases. For example in a cafe, customer buys regurlarly and does not want to make payment on each purchase and rather use the pre paid credit.
Below is example of how to add a pre-payment amount, then process a pre payment from that pre-payment.
Go to ClickPOS app, open Sale and tap on Customer icon
- For new cusotmers, If customer is new, then tap the ‘+’ to create cusotmer add name, email and a phone number.
For exisitng cusotmers, To Add a pre payment amount, tap on (i) then tap on ‘Account Detail’ - Add credit to the customer account
- Create a Sales invoice for the customer.
- Pay Sales invoice using credit balance.
- Integrate prepayment (Top-up) invoice.
- Integrate sales invoices.
- Integrate payment.
Below screens displays pre-payments in Xero .
And below screen shows the liability account.
Now process the payment from ClickPOS
Now integrate payments. Go to the “Payment tab” on the Xero Integration page > tick payment > proceed
How pre-payment 'Payment' looks in Xero after integration
Once the payment is integrated, the customer’s credit balance should be reduced as below.
Limitation of Pre-Payments
- If the customer does not have enough credit balance, it’s a must to do a top-up before creating the invoice.
- Multiple payments are not allowed. Customers with credit accounts must pay using the exact credit balance for each invoice. Eg. If invoice owes $20, customer cannot split the payment into cash and eftpos when paymeing back the invoice.
Integration Error messages
Missing Account References.
The reason for this error is incomplete mapping for Account References. Go to Accounts > Xero Setup > Accounts > Select a Group > Complete mapping.
Account could not be found
The reason for this error is incomplete mapping for payments. Go to Accounts > Xero Setup > Accounts > Select a Group > Complete mapping for payment Groups.