October 18, 2024

ClickPOS app free trial

Try before you sign up

We want you to try before you subscribe, so we crreated sample databases so you can sign in and test drive it.
Any question you may have, forward to our sales team and we can help you connect printers etc.
The demo login will allow you full access to the system including sales, product menu etc. 

Enter your details below so we can email you a sign in that matches to your type of business.
We will email you the sign in details within next business day.

[contact-form to=’sales@clickpos.com’ subject=’Demo free trial’ jetpackCRM=’1′][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1′ requiredtext='(required)’/][contact-field label=’Mobile number’ type=’name’ required=’1′ requiredtext='(required)’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1′ requiredtext='(required)’/][contact-field label=’Business type (eg cafe, retail, restaurant, jewellery store etc),  ‘ type=’name’ requiredtext='(required)’/][contact-field label=’Message’ type=’textarea’ requiredtext='(required)’/][/contact-form]